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Ivorra A, Rubinsky B, Mir LM. Electric field redistribution during tissue electroporation: its potential impact on treatment planning. Comptes Rendus Physique. 2010 ;Accepted (still pending publication). (527.24 KB)
Laufer S, Ivorra A, Reuter VE, Rubinsky B, Solomon SB. Electrical impedance characterization of normal and cancerous human hepatic tissue. Physiological measurement [Internet]. 2010 ;31:995–1009. © 2010 Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited. Available from: (710.34 KB)
Ivorra A, Villemejane J, Mir LM. Electrical modeling of the influence of medium conductivity on electroporation. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP [Internet]. 2010 ;12:10055–64. Available from: (3.14 MB)
Ivorra A, Rubinsky B. Historical Review of Irreversible Electroporation in Medicine. In: Rubinsky B Irreversible Electroporation. Irreversible Electroporation. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. pp. 1–21. Available from: (481.9 KB)
Ivorra A. Introduction to tissue Irreversible Electroporation and effects of electroporation on tissue passive electrical properties. In: Bioelectrochemistry Gordon Research Conference. Bioelectrochemistry Gordon Research Conference. Biddeford, Maine, USA; 2010.
Ivorra A. Irreversible Electroporation. In: Rubinsky B Irreversible Electroporation. Irreversible Electroporation. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. pp. 23–61. Available from: (2.75 MB)
Ivorra A. Irreversible Electroporation for Tissue Ablation. In: 5th Course ("Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields: Research and Therapy") of the School of Bioelectromagnetism Alessadro Chiabreara. 5th Course ("Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields: Research and Therapy") of the School of Bioelectromagnetism Alessadro Chiabreara. ; 2010.
Silve A, Villemejane J, Joubert V, Ivorra A, Mir LM. Nanosecond pulsed electric field delivery to biological samples: difficulties and potential solutions. In: Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine. Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine. ; 2010. pp. 353–370. (837.16 KB)
Guimera A, Ivorra A, Gabriel G, Villa R. Non-invasive assessment of corneal endothelial permeability by means of electrical impedance measurements. Medical engineering & physics [Internet]. 2010 ;32:1107–15. © 2010 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Available from: (1.39 MB)
