Laura Becerra-Fajardo

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Post-Doctoral Fellow
(+34) 93 542 1578

Laura studied Electronic Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, holding a PAES scholarship - Best High School Graduates 2002, and received her diploma in 2008. In 2012 she received her diploma of MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, benefited by a Colfuturo PCB scholarship. Laura finished her PhD at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies - UPF, in 2016 holding a PRC fellowship.

After completing her PhD, Laura joined the Translational Research & Knowledge Management team (R&D) of Otto Bock (Germany), where she worked in the European H2020 research project Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization - INPUT. Laura is currently a Post-Doctoral fellow at UPF working at the ERC Project "Electronic AXONs: wireless microstimulators based on electronic rectification of epidermically applied currents", in the European H2020 project EXTEND, and the ERC Proof of Concept project "SENSO-eAXON". She is currently the project leader of IntraSenso-eAXON, an entrepreneurial action supported by CaixaResearch Validate program from "la Caixa" Foundation. Her work focuses mainly in exploring and designing implantable medical devices capable of performing electrical stimulation and sensing, and to develop entrepreneurial actions to bring this technology to the market. .

Publications with BERG
