Ivan Luque Del Toro

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Project Assistant
(+34) 93 542 1578

Ivan studied Biomedical Engineering at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and received his diploma in 2023. Despite his past work covering software for automatic detection and assessment of pulmonary embolism from medical images, Ivan approached BERG aiming to learn more about medical devices and electronics, as well as to gain experience doing research. Moreover, he joined BERG with the firm conviction of aiding in the development of medical devices capable of assisting in the diagnostic, treatment, and/or follow-up of cardiovascular diseases. At BERG, Ivan works as a first stage researcher (R1), giving research support in several activities within FORESEE, a project funded in late 2023 with an EIC Transition Open grant. The FORESEE project includes the development and validation of an implantable microsensing platform for remote monitoring of patients suffering from chronic heart failure. Ivan also holds the 1st Prize of the SEIB-FENIN Awards 2023 for Spanish Biomedical Engineering graduates, awarded by the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering ("Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica" | SEIB).