Guillem Arias
Former Member
Guillem studied Biomedical Engineering at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), where he started to collaborate with BERG for the project “Fast flow-through non-thermal pasteurization using constant radiofrequency electric fields” and later for his end-of-degree project “Electrochemical release of silver ions for preventing infections after prostate biopsy”
After doing a Master in Cognitive Neuroscience, he is now in the Master on Computational Biomedical Engineering of the UPF .
His interest in science made him participate in several International Science Programs: E2C3 (2009), London International Youth Science Forum (2010), Summer Science School in Cambridge, UK (2011), ISSC'11 - MILSET at Denmark (2011), ISSC'12 - MILSET in Aveiro, Portugal (2012), XXXI Encontro Juvenil de Ciência organized by AJC in Lisbon, Portugal (2013).
Publications with BERG