Mar Gadea

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Project Assistant
(+34) 93 542 1578

Mar is a 2023 Biomedical Engineering graduate from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Her BSc thesis was the design and development of an in vitro mockup of the pulmonary circulation to test wireless implantable pressure sensors. This experience deepened her understanding of eAXON sensor technology and provided her with an opportunity to devise a testing methodology for this technology. Mar's dedication continues at the BERG group, where she contributes to the FORSEE project. Complementing her academic background, Mar is currently pursuing an expert postgraduate course in medical devices at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). This program is equipping her with a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory pathways governing medical device development and commercialization. In her role as a research assistant at BERG, Mar is focused on the development and validation of a microsensing platform for remote monitoring of chronic heart failure patients.