Jesús Minguillón
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Post-Doctoral Fellow
(+34) 93 542 1578
Jesús Minguillón was born in Granada (Spain) in 1990. He received his MSc degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2014 and his MSc degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2015, both from the University of Granada (Granada, Spain). In 2018, he received his PhD in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Granada. He has worked on the design and development of non-invasive brain-computer interfaces and other biosignal-based systems. Moreover, he has investigated the use of these systems in daily-life contexts and published his main results in international high-impact journals and conferences. At present he is with the Biomedical Electronics Research Group (BERG) of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) as a Postdoctoral Researcher. His main research focuses on the design and development of power supply and bidirectional communication systems (hardware-software) for volume-conduction-based implants, in the framework of two European projects: Electronic AXONs (wireless microstimulators based on electronic rectification of epidermically applied currents) and EXTEND (Bidirectional Hyper-Connected Neural System).
Publications with BERG
“First-in-human demonstration of floating EMG sensors and stimulators wirelessly powered and operated by volume conduction”, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 21, p. 4, 2024. ,
“Powering Electronic Implants by High Frequency Volume Conduction: In Human Validation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 659-670, 2023.
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“Networks of Injectable Microdevices Powered and Digitally Linked by Volume Conduction for Neuroprosthetics: a Proof-of-Concept”, in 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2023.
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“Floating EMG Sensors and Stimulators Wirelessly Powered and Operated by Volume Conduction for Networked Neuroprosthetics”, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, p. 57, 2022. ,
“Wireless networks of injectable microelectronic stimulators based on rectification of volume conducted high frequency currents”, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 19, p. 056015, 2022.
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“Volume Conduction for Powering Deeply Implanted Networks of Wireless Injectable Medical Devices: a Numerical Parametric Analysis”, IEEE Access , vol. 9, pp. 100594-100605, 2021.
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“In Vitro Evaluation of a Protocol and an Architecture for Bidirectional Communications in Networks of Wireless Implants Powered by Volume Conduction”, in 5th International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2020), 2020, Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV, Biosystems & Biorobotics., vol. 28, pp. 103-108.
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“Power Transfer by Volume Conduction: In Vitro Validated Analytical Models Predict DC Powers above 1 mW in Injectable Implants”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 37808-37820, 2020.
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“Interleaved intramuscular stimulation with minimally overlapping electrodes evokes smooth and fatigue resistant forces”, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 046037, 2020. ,