Albert Ruiz-Vargas
Former Member
Albert graduated in Electronics and Industrial Engineering (majoring in mechanical engineering) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2008 and 2010, respectively. During his studies he participated in two R&D projects in Italy and Germany as part of his degree programs. In 2012, he received his MSc in Biomedical Engineering, majoring in medical devices, at the Universitat Barcelona and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His MSc dissertation was completed under Ivorra’s supervision at BERG. In 2013, he undertook a 6-month internship at CSIRO (Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation) in Sydney working on fibre optics based diagnostic devices.
In 2019, Albert completed his PhD with strong focus on electrical bioimpedance and fibre optic sensors to explore gastrointestinal diseases at the Medical Device Research Institute (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia). Since 2018, Albert has been working on a new minimally invasive fibre optic sensor for monitoring cardiac outflow in real time in adult, paediatric and neonatal intensive care. His interests focus on medical device research and development, new product development, translational research, intellectual property and entrepreneurship.
Publications with BERG