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Journal Article
García-Moreno A, Comerma A, Tudela-Pi M, Minguillon J, Becerra-Fajardo L, Ivorra A. Wireless networks of injectable microelectronic stimulators based on rectification of volume conducted high frequency currents. Journal of Neural Engineering [Internet]. 2022 ;19:056015. Available from: (1.9 MB)
Tudela-Pi M, Minguillon J, Becerra-Fajardo L, Ivorra A. Volume Conduction for Powering Deeply Implanted Networks of Wireless Injectable Medical Devices: a Numerical Parametric Analysis. IEEE Access [Internet]. 2021 ;9:100594-100605. Available from: (1.16 MB)
Minguillon J, Tudela-Pi M, Becerra-Fajardo L, Perera-Bel E, del Ama AJ, Gil-Agudo Á, Megía-García Á, García-Moreno A, Ivorra A. Powering Electronic Implants by High Frequency Volume Conduction: In Human Validation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering [Internet]. 2023 ;70(2):659-670. Available from: (1.94 MB)
Tudela-Pi M, Becerra-Fajardo L, García-Moreno A, Minguillon J, Ivorra A. Power Transfer by Volume Conduction: In Vitro Validated Analytical Models Predict DC Powers above 1 mW in Injectable Implants. IEEE Access. 2020 ;8(1):37808-37820. (1.27 MB)
Malik S, Castellví Q, Becerra-Fajardo L, Tudela-Pi M, García-Moreno A, Baghini MShojaei, Ivorra A. Injectable Sensors Based on Passive Rectification of Volume-Conducted Currents. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems [Internet]. 2020 ;14(4):867-878. Available from:
Becerra-Fajardo L, Krob MO, Minguillon J, Rogrigues C, Welsch C, Tudela-Pi M, Comerma A, Barroso FO, Schneider A, Ivorra A. Floating EMG Sensors and Stimulators Wirelessly Powered and Operated by Volume Conduction for Networked Neuroprosthetics. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2022 ;19:57. Available from:
Conference Paper
Becerra-Fajardo L, Tudela-Pi M, Ivorra A. Two-Port Networks to Model Galvanic Coupling for Intrabody Communications and Power Transfer to Implants. In: 2018 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). 2018 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). ; 2018. pp. 407-410. (590.36 KB)
Tudela-Pi M, Becerra-Fajardo L, Ivorra A. Powering Implants by Galvanic Coupling: A Validated Analytical Model Predicts Powers Above 1 mW in Injectable Implants. In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018. IFMBE Proceedings. Vol. 68/3. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018. IFMBE Proceedings. Prague, Czech Republic: Springer; 2018. pp. 23-26. (272.06 KB)